Technical Notes#

Functions Arranged as a Graph#

The async-graph-data-flow package provides a framework for arranging functions in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

flowchart LR A[func1] --> B[func2] B --> C[func3] B --> D[func4] C --> E[func5] D --> E

Each function must be an asynchronous generator function, which means it is defined with the async keyword and yields something.

async def func1(arg1, arg2):
    yield output

For two nodes to be connected correctly in terms of function definition, the source node’s function must yield what the destination node’s function expects as input (for more information, see the unpack_input parameter of add_node()).

flowchart LR START[ ] -.-> A B -.-> STOP[ ] A["async def func2(...):\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yield <strong>foo, bar</strong>"] --> B["async def func3(<strong>foo, bar</strong>):\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yield ..."] style A text-align:left style B text-align:left style START fill-opacity:0, stroke-opacity:0; style STOP fill-opacity:0, stroke-opacity:0;

Tasks and Queues#

During runtime, each node’s function is run concurrently as one or more tasks in the event loop. The number of tasks for a given node is controlled by the max_tasks parameter that can be set at add_node().

A node is associated with a Queue instance responsible for providing the items to the tasks of the node. The queue receives its items as the source nodes yield them. The maximum number of items a queue can hold is specified by queue_size at add_node(). The queue is first-in-first-out, which means that it keeps track of the items yielded from the tasks of the source nodes and feeds them one by one in the order by which the queue has received them. An item leaves a queue when a task of the destination node becomes available to process it.

flowchart LR start1[ ] -.- queue1(("&nbsp;&nbsp;")) subgraph box1 [ ] queue1 --> node1["&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"] end style start1 fill-opacity:0, stroke-opacity:0; start2[ ] -.- queue2(("&nbsp;&nbsp;")) subgraph box2 [ ] queue2 --> node2["&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"] end style start2 fill-opacity:0, stroke-opacity:0; subgraph node and its associated queue queue3((queue)) --> node3[task 1, task 2,\ntask 3, ...] end node1 --> |yields\nitems| queue3 node2 --> |yields\nitems| queue3 node3 -.-> |yields\nitems| STOP[ ] style STOP fill-opacity:0, stroke-opacity:0;


Let’s check out a sample script using async-graph-data-flow and processing actual data that brings together some of the components discussed above. The example below pulls data from Open Brewery DB into a local CSV file.

# This Python script was tested with Python 3.11.
# Apart from async-graph-data-flow, it requires several other third-party dependencies,
# which can be installed by `pip install aiocsv aiofile aiohttp`.

import aiocsv
import aiofile
import aiohttp
from async_graph_data_flow import AsyncGraph, AsyncExecutor

# API doc:
URL = ""
OUTPUT_FILENAME = "breweries_us_async.csv"

has_written_csv_header = False

async def get_open_brewery_data():
    page = 1
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        while True:
            params = {
                "by_country": "United States",
                "page": page,
                "per_page": 200,
            async with session.get(URL, params=params) as response:
                data = await response.json()
                if not data:
                    yield data
                    page += 1

async def write_to_csv(data: list[dict[str, str]]):
    global has_written_csv_header
    async with aiofile.async_open(OUTPUT_FILENAME, mode="a", encoding="utf8") as f:
        csv_writer = aiocsv.AsyncDictWriter(f, CSV_HEADER)
        if not has_written_csv_header:
            await csv_writer.writeheader()
            has_written_csv_header = True
        await csv_writer.writerows(data)

def main():
    graph = AsyncGraph()
    graph.add_edge(get_open_brewery_data, write_to_csv)

    executor = AsyncExecutor(graph)
    print("data downloaded:", OUTPUT_FILENAME)

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this code, main() defines a graph and executes it. The graph has two connected nodes. The source node, with the asynchronous generator function get_open_brewery_data(), yields items to the destination node with write_to_csv():

flowchart LR A[get_open_brewery_data] --> B[write_to_csv]

For the source node, the following shows an abridged version of get_open_brewery_data() to highlight what the function yields:

async def get_open_brewery_data():
    page = 1
    while True:
        params = {"page": page, ...}
        yield data
        page += 1

As the data from Open Brewery DB is paginated from its API, get_open_brewery_data() makes an API call for one page worth of data, yields this data to the destination node (write_to_csv()), repeats this process, and stops once all pages of data have been retrieved.

The destination node with write_to_csv() has its associated queue provide inputs from the items yielded by get_open_brewery_data().

flowchart LR Q(("Queue items:\n[{'col1': 'val1', ...}, ...]\n[{'col1': 'val1', ...}, ...]\n...\n")) A[get_open_brewery_data] B[write_to_csv] A --> |yields\nitems| Q Q --> B

get_open_brewery_data() yields a page of the Open Brewery DB data, which is a list of records where each record is a dictionary of column names mapped to values. The function signature of write_to_csv() expects exactly such a list of dictionaries:

async def write_to_csv(data: list[dict[str, str]]):