Create a Cluster Partition for given cluster

clusters_post_kubernetes_partitions(id, instance_configs, name, labels)



integer required. The ID of the cluster which this partition belongs to.


array required. An array containing the following fields:

  • instanceType string, An EC2 instance type. Possible values include t2.large, m4.xlarge, m4.2xlarge, m4.4xlarge, m5.12xlarge, and p2.xlarge.

  • minInstances integer, The minimum number of instances of that type in this cluster.

  • maxInstances integer, The maximum number of instances of that type in this cluster.


string required. The name of the cluster partition.


array required. Labels associated with this partition.


A list containing the following elements:


integer, The ID of this cluster partition.


string, The name of the cluster partition.


array, Labels associated with this partition.


array, An array containing the following fields:

  • instanceConfigId integer, The ID of this InstanceConfig.

  • instanceType string, An EC2 instance type. Possible values include t2.large, m4.xlarge, m4.2xlarge, m4.4xlarge, m5.12xlarge, and p2.xlarge.

  • minInstances integer, The minimum number of instances of that type in this cluster.

  • maxInstances integer, The maximum number of instances of that type in this cluster.

  • instanceMaxMemory integer, The amount of memory (RAM) available to a single instance of that type in megabytes.

  • instanceMaxCpu integer, The number of processor shares available to a single instance of that type in millicores.

  • instanceMaxDisk integer, The amount of disk available to a single instance of that type in gigabytes.

  • usageStats object,


integer, The id of the InstanceConfig that is the default for this partition.