Update the archive status of this object

enhancements_put_data_unification_archive(id, status)



integer required. The ID of the object.


boolean required. The desired archived status of the object.


A list containing the following elements:


integer, The ID for the enhancement.


string, The name of the enhancement job.


string, The type of the enhancement (e.g CASS-NCOA)


string, The time this enhancement was created.


string, The time the enhancement was last updated.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer, The ID of this user.

  • name string, This user's name.

  • username string, This user's username.

  • initials string, This user's initials.

  • online boolean, Whether this user is online.


string, The status of the enhancement's last run


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • scheduled boolean, If the item is scheduled.

  • scheduledDays array, Day based on numeric value starting at 0 for Sunday.

  • scheduledHours array, Hours of the day it is scheduled on.

  • scheduledMinutes array, Minutes of the day it is scheduled on.

  • scheduledRunsPerHour integer, Alternative to scheduled minutes, number of times to run per hour.


integer, Parent ID that triggers this enhancement.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • urls array, URLs to receive a POST request at job completion

  • successEmailSubject string, Custom subject line for success e-mail.

  • successEmailBody string, Custom body text for success e-mail, written in Markdown.

  • successEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job completes successfully.

  • successEmailFromName string, Name from which success emails are sent; defaults to "Civis."

  • successEmailReplyTo string, Address for replies to success emails; defaults to the author of the job.

  • failureEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job fails.

  • stallWarningMinutes integer, Stall warning emails will be sent after this amount of minutes.

  • successOn boolean, If success email notifications are on.

  • failureOn boolean, If failure email notifications are on.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer, The ID of this user.

  • name string, This user's name.

  • username string, This user's username.

  • initials string, This user's initials.

  • online boolean, Whether this user is online.


list, The column mapping for Table/File 1. See /enhancements/field_mapping for list of valid fields.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • databaseName string, The Redshift database name for the table.

  • schema string, The schema name for the table.

  • table string, The table name.


integer, The ID for File 1. This should be set if and only if table1, table2, and outputTable are not set.


list, The column mapping for Table/File 2. See /enhancements/field_mapping for list of valid fields.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • databaseName string, The Redshift database name for the table.

  • schema string, The schema name for the table.

  • table string, The table name.


integer, The ID for File 2. This should be set if and only if table1, table2, and outputTable is not set.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • databaseName string, The Redshift database name for the table.

  • schema string, The schema name for the table.

  • table string, The table name.


string, The name of the output file. This should be set if and only if file1Id and file2Id are set.


integer, The maximum number of matches per record in Table/File 1 to return. Must be between 0 and 10. 0 returns all matches.


number, The score threshold (between 0 and 1). Matches below this threshold will not be returned.