Update the archive status of this object

enhancements_put_person_matching_archive(id, status)



integer required. The ID of the object.


boolean required. The desired archived status of the object.


A list containing the following elements:


integer, The ID for the enhancement.


string, The name of the enhancement job.


string, The type of the enhancement (e.g CASS-NCOA)


string, The time this enhancement was created.


string, The time the enhancement was last updated.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer, The ID of this user.

  • name string, This user's name.

  • username string, This user's username.

  • initials string, This user's initials.

  • online boolean, Whether this user is online.


string, The status of the enhancement's last run


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • scheduled boolean, If the item is scheduled.

  • scheduledDays array, Day based on numeric value starting at 0 for Sunday.

  • scheduledHours array, Hours of the day it is scheduled on.

  • scheduledMinutes array, Minutes of the day it is scheduled on.

  • scheduledRunsPerHour integer, Alternative to scheduled minutes, number of times to run per hour.


integer, Parent ID that triggers this enhancement.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • urls array, URLs to receive a POST request at job completion

  • successEmailSubject string, Custom subject line for success e-mail.

  • successEmailBody string, Custom body text for success e-mail, written in Markdown.

  • successEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job completes successfully.

  • successEmailFromName string, Name from which success emails are sent; defaults to "Civis."

  • successEmailReplyTo string, Address for replies to success emails; defaults to the author of the job.

  • failureEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job fails.

  • stallWarningMinutes integer, Stall warning emails will be sent after this amount of minutes.

  • successOn boolean, If success email notifications are on.

  • failureOn boolean, If failure email notifications are on.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • id integer, The ID of this user.

  • name string, This user's name.

  • username string, This user's username.

  • initials string, This user's initials.

  • online boolean, Whether this user is online.


list, A list containing the following elements:

  • task string, The type of person matching task. Options are: "table_to_table", "dedupe_table", or "table_to_civis_data".

  • source string, The input source of your data. Options are: "redshift" or "s3".

  • inputDatabaseName string, The Redshift database name for input data.

  • inputSchema string, The schema name for the input data.

  • inputTable string, The table name for the input data.

  • inputFileId string, The ID of the input S3 file.

  • inputFieldMapping string, The column mapping for the input in JSON or YAML.

  • inputFileHeaders string, Provide your headers in a list if the first row of your input does not have the headers, and make them JSON-decodable. For example: ["col1","col2","col3"].

  • targetDatabaseName string, The Redshift database for target data.

  • targetSchema string, The schema for target data.

  • targetTable string, The table for target data.

  • targetFieldMapping string, The column mapping for the target in JSON or YAML.

  • targetFileId string, The ID of the target S3 file.

  • matchTargetId integer, The ID of the match target.

  • matchDatabaseName string, The Redshift database for the match output table.

  • matchSchema string, The schema for the match output table.

  • matchTable string, The name of the match output table.

  • matchCsvFilename string, The name of the match output file.

  • matchSourceIdCol string, The name of the column in the output table that will hold the id from the source for each match.

  • matchTargetIdCol string, The name the column in the output table that will hold the id from the target for each match.

  • maxMatches integer, The maximum number of matches to return.

  • threshold number, The score threshold (between 0 and 1).