Utility to run queries that return no output.

A default database can be set using options(civis.default_db = "my_database"). If there is only one database available, this database will automatically be used as the default.

query_civis(x, ...)

# S3 method for sql
query_civis(x, database = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for numeric
query_civis(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for character
query_civis(x, database = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)



sql("..."), "query", or id of an existing sql script.


arguments passed to queries_post.


string, Name of database where query is run.


bool, Print detailed updates of job status.

Methods (by class)

  • sql: Run a SQL query.

  • numeric: Run a SQL query from a previous SQL query id.

  • character: Run a SQL query.

See also

read_civis for downloading results of SQL scripts from Civis Platform as a data frame.


Other io: download_civis(), query_civis_file(), read_civis(), write_civis_file(), write_civis()


if (FALSE) { query_civis("GRANT ALL ON schema.my_table TO GROUP admin", "database", credential=0000) }